The Board shall meet prior to the opening meeting of the IHWGA general membership and thereafter as
deemed necessary by the President.  Board meetings shall be open to the general membership. A
member must submit a request if she wishes to attend and/or address the Board; however, members
other than the Board do not have voting privileges.
ARTICLE II– THE BOARD (revised 9/19)
The Board shall be comprised of three officers plus the three chairmen of the Standing
Committees. New Board members shall assume their duties January 1 and serve a 2-year term.  The
Treasurer is required to serve in the same position for a 2-year term. (revised 2/24)
The officers of the Board are:
President – Must have served on the Board for at least one year within the last five years, but can only
have served one of the immediately preceding two years.  Calls and presides over meetings of the Board
and general meetings of the IHWGA.
 Responsible for updating the Constitution, By Laws, and Standing Rules with all properly
approved changes and, in addition to the Secretary, maintains a record of all approved changes.
 Represents the IHWGA on all boards and committees pertaining to women’s golf.
 Appoints a chairman to be responsible for the yearly Member Guest Tournament.
 Appoints a chairman to be responsible for the yearly Member Member Tournament.
 Attends or appoints someone to attend the IHCC new member mixer.
 Appoints one member from the general membership to audit the Treasurer’s books after the
close of each year and prior to any new person taking over the Treasurer position.
 Organizes or appoints someone to organize the Kick Off meeting and the Year End Awards
 In the absence of the Treasurer, may write and sign checks, deposit or withdraw funds for
purposes of the IHWGA.
Vice-President/Secretary –
 Assists the President in fulfilling her duties.
 Serves as President in the absence of the President. Should a vacancy occur in the office of the
President, the Vice-President shall become President for the remainder of that term.
 Keeps minutes of all meetings of the Board and the Association.
 Maintains an up-to-date email address list for all members.
 Serves as a resource for sending communications to the membership.
 Maintains a book and an electronic copy of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules along
with documentation of all revisions and additions during her term.  This book and electronic

copy will be passed on to her successor to serve as an archive.  (Revised 11/16/2021) (Revised
 Works with the IHWGA Webmaster to ensure all membership, Tournament, and other pertinent information
is posted to the website no later than 45 days after the first Play Day. (Revised 7/23)
 Is responsible for “Sunshine Acknowledgements” to our members as described in our Standing
Treasurer/Membership – 
 Serves a two-year term as treasurer.
 Responsible for all money of the IHWGA.
 Works with the President and the Board to set the proposed budget for the year and presents it
to the IHWGA membership for vote at the Kick Off Meeting.
 Responsible for the IHWGA Hole-in-One Club.
 Closes the books as soon as possible after the close of the year, but no later than January
31st and has complete and accurate books ready for the year-end audit.
 Responsible for membership signup.
 Coordinates with the Handicap and Rules Chairman regarding New Member Handicaps (REV
 Keeps an up to date list of all member data compiled from the membership forms.
 Maintains an up to date list of member contact information and provides this to the Board on a
regular basis.
 Ensures that the IHWGA membership is notified of any new members joining after the annual
handbook was published.
 Ensures that all new members are welcomed and integrated into the organization.
The Standing Committees that are part of the voting Board are:
Weekly Tournament Chairman.   She shall supervise all weekly play day events.  She may appoint her
own committee for aide and assistance.
Major Tournament Chairman.  She shall supervise all Major Tournaments as defined in our Standing
Rules. She may appoint her own committee for aide and assistance.
Handicap and Rules Chairman. She shall be responsible for monitoring handicaps for all
members/New Members and for advice on the rules of golf for all competitions. She is
responsible for advising in the planning of competitions, promoting knowledge of and
adherence to the rules of golf among the membership, and is responsible for the Debbie Austin
Most Improved Golfer award. (REV 01/17) (revised 2/24)
The Board shall appoint special committees and/or chairmen from within the Board or from the general
membership for non-voting committee positions as the business of the IHWGA requires.  Special

committees shall include (but not be limited to) Website, Scrapbook, River North and Team Play. Voting
rights shall be restricted to the six-member Board. (revised 2/24)
The Tournament Committee, as referred to in our Standing Rules, is comprised of the following
 Weekly Tournament Chairman (see above).
 Major Tournament Chairman (see above).
 Handicap and Rules Chairman.  (see above) (revised 2/24)
This constitution and by-laws may be amended or revised at any time by the following procedure:
1. A proposed amendment or revision must be posted at least 2 weeks prior to a meeting of the IHWGA.
2. A majority vote of the members present.
1. All actions of the Board shall be subject to approval and ratification by Club Management.  Such
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
2. All approved amendments and revisions shall have the date and the meeting in which the approval
was voted on and passed.
3. A copy of all proposed and approved amendments and revisions shall be kept by the Vice
President/Secretary and the President.